Foreground stony beach, two parallel rows of posts disappear into the sea.

Friday Bible Study

Our Bible Study on a Friday morning starts at 10am with Tea/Coffee and a General catch up, so that we can begin the session at 10:30am. – we finish about 12:00 depending on how the conversation is flowing. You are welcome to follow it through or dip in and out but most of all to engage with this text that is so central to our understanding of living as a people of faith.

We meet in the Blue Room and on Zoom –

Meeting ID: 893 0123 3247

Passcode: 772397

This year we are going to attempt a great sweep through Exodus. We tend not to worry too much about who wrote what when, but we look at the story, and ask,

“What is is the author trying to say?”

“Whose voice can we hear? Who is unheard?”

“How do a variety of commentators read this narrative?”

“What is it saying to us in our context?”

The Main Commentaries we will be using are:- Carol Meyers, “Exodus”, Nahum Sarna, “Exploring Exodus”, Abel Ndjerareou in “African Bible Commentary”, P G George & Paul Swarup in South Asia Bible Commentary, Neril & Dee, “Eco Bible”, Wilma Gafney, “Womanist Midrash” and whatever else we find as we move through these texts.

The general plan is below – but the plan is subject to change through the vagaries of life.

15 Sep 23Exodus 16If only we had stayed in Egypt
29 Sep 23Exodus 17Give us water to drink
6 Oct 23Exodus 18What is this that you are doing?
20 Oct 23Exodus 19You will be for me … a holy nation
3 Nov 23Exodus 20I am the Lord your God who brought you out of salvery
17 Nov 23Exodus 21These are the laws you are to set before them
15 Dec 23Exodus 22 & 23You are to be my holy people
5 Jan 24 Exodus 24This is the blood of the Covenant
19 Jan 24Exodus 25 & 26Then have them make a sanctuary for me 
2 Feb 24Exodus 27 – 30The Altar & The garments
16 Feb 24Exodus 32The Golden calf
15 Mar 24Exodus 40The Tabernacle

We seek, in everything we do, to show Christ to the world through loving action.