Church Secretary Role Description 2025

Start Date 1 January 2025 (Aim to elect at November Church Meeting)

Term of Office 3 Years and then review for a further 3 years.

A Requirements

a) A Member of LURC

b) Be or be prepared to be an  Elder of the United Reformed Church 

B Role

a) The church secretary ensures that the meetings of the councils of the Church (Church meeting, Elders’ meetings, and other task groups) run properly. Over time they will need to develop an understanding of which meeting to take which items of business to. The various councils of the URC have specific and set decision making processes, and the areas of work for which Elders’ meetings and Church meetings are responsible are clearly set out; part of the church secretary’s job is to support the work of the church councils, neither approving or rejecting their decisions – but rather to facilitate the decision-making process.

b) They will liaise with Convenor of Meeting (usually Minister) on

  • the frequency and dates of meetings
  • giving notice of meetings
  • the arrangement of agendas
  • the chairing of meetings
  • Ensure minute taking happens and minutes are distributed
  • church rules, where appropriate, including voting practices and quorums Special meetings e.g. AGMs, elections, vacancy, etc.

c) They will be the church’s key contact person, responsible for both dealing with and passing on correspondence.

d) Be a link between the congregation and the wider church, 

C Skills and characteristics of a church secretary

a) Love for the church. Seeing the role as both service and calling will really help when the demands of the role frustrate and challenge! As one church secretary commented: ‘It’s essential to know that your work is part of God’s work in the Church and in the locality.’

b) Tenacity and patience. Many issues that come across the church secretary’s desk take time to be satisfactorily resolved. Persistence and perseverance will help!

c) Good communication skills. The church secretary has a place at the centre of the church, and needs to communicate frequently and effectively with the Minister, the members, the elders, the congregation and the Synod. In joint pastorates it is also helpful to be in contact with the other secretaries of the other churches in the pastorate. 

d) Pastoral. Good church secretaries have pastoral hearts and a loving concern for others. Tact, diplomacy and integrity all play a part in the work of a pastorally minded church secretary.

e) Efficient administrator. Basic office skills are helpful and access to email and the internet are all but essential in the modern world. 

f) Trustworthy. There is a need for confidentiality and trust in many areas of church life including the areas of church development, conflict and individual pastoral needs.

g) A positive and prayerful attitude. In many churches the church secretary is given power by the church and without a positive prayerful attitude could soon become a barrier to growth. The church secretary, like all leaders, will need to develop a healthy amnesia for past problems, failures and conflicts.

D Safer Recruitment

The church secretary has a role in any recruitment undertaken by the local church – they will be part of the team that ensures suitable people recruited into any roles involving work with children, young people and vulnerable adults. It should be noted that, in all United Reformed churches the church secretary is automatically registered as a verifier for criminal record (DBS/PVG) checks.

E And finally …

Please don’t be overwhelmed by the list of requirements! Don’t forget you’ve been approached about the role because someone has seen in you the necessary combination of experience and characteristics needed for your local church. 

And remember, it’s meant to be a calling not a burden!

Craig Muir

To summarise – my year at a glance……

January Annual church returns to Synod

Review DBS checks

Annual church reports

Sept/ Nov  Elder’s elections – send out all documents to church members, letters, voting forms etc.

Keep next of kin forms up to date


Coordinate any events, funerals etc 

Elders meeting agenda and minutes and deal with anything arising  

5 times year – Church meeting agenda and minutes and deal with anything arising 

Keep website up to date with worship details and the PC


Weekly events email to church members


Check emails regularly – point of contact for church members, Synod and other enquiries and respond accordingly. Forward all information from Synod, LCP etc. and print off posters etc.

I liaised and planned the Trustees training day with Derek Graham

I liaised with East Midlands Synod for their meeting day at LURC

I put together and delivered a presentation to Synod Mission fund for a Grant towards employing Maxine

I volunteered to work in church office once a week for 9 months

I responded to a lot of the job applications for an Office administrator and then drew up a shortlisting grid. Followed by a full day of interviews and reacted afterwards to all 4 possible candidates, with all the necessary forms etc. DBS check, safeguarding form, induction etc.

Hilary Roythorne

We seek, in everything we do, to show Christ to the world through loving action.