Tag Archives: AVFUND


Dear Friends

For some time now we have been frustrated by our attempts to provide a live video of our Sunday Morning service for those who need to worship with us from home. Zoom has been inadequate and we do not have the right equipment to use any other platform. – or to be able to record and save a video to our website.

The Church Meeting in July agreed that we should go ahead with installing the right equipment to allow us to produce good quality streaming of our service, We know this is important for those who are housebound, but it is also good to be able to offer for funerals, weddings and other occasions where people want to or need to join from home. In addition, the ability to save our recording so that it can be viewed on the website at a different time can be a good way of advertising – some people do like a “sneak peak”. 

In talking through our needs we also realised that it was a good opportunity to upgrade the microphone cables, speakers in church and most importantly the sound desk to a digital model that will output good quality sound, but can also have a number of presets – making it fiddle proof. The cost is a little bit more than we anticipated at Church Meeting, however the Elders have agreed to go ahead with the work to ensure that we are ready to begin in the Autumn.

The total cost will be £12,500. We have that money available in our Legacy Fund because of those who remembered the church in their wills. However, Church Meeting also felt that as we are needing to use our reserves (including the Legacy Fund) to supplement our regular income, that we should put out an appeal to members to recover some of these costs from amongst ourselves. 

I do hope some of us will feel able to support this project and if you feel that you would like to make a contribution then the easiest way would be by Bank Transfer into our usual account 

Sort Code 601410 

A/c no 89245423 

with a Reference AVFUND. 

Otherwise a cheque to church For the Attention of Peter Rippon.

Be blessed

Craig Muir

Peter Rippon