Tag Archives: Well of Rehoboth

Genesis 26: The Wells

Between Esau giving away birthright for bowl of potage and Jacob tricking Isaac into a blessing meant for Esau. We have this account of Isaac’s nomadic existence amongst alien people. “Mosaic” of stories, probably a very early tradition, No reference to Jacob-Esau. Abraham reference in v 15 appears to be a later addition. 

1-5 Reassertion of  promise given to Abraham that through Isaac their offspring will settle in this land. Although this talks about Abrham’s merit rather than God’s grace. 

6-11 Repeat the story of seeking refuge from famine and passing wife off as sister

12 Isaac prospers growing corn and as a herdsman. He is blessed one hundredfold 

Matt 19:29 – And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life. (cf Mk 10:30)

Lk 8:8 Some fell into good soil, and when it grew, it produced a hundredfold.” As he said this, he called out, “Let anyone with ears to hear listen!

14 Philistines – historical problem, Philistine pottery begins to emerge from 1200 BCE. They may be the Sea People who waged war against Egypt and Eastern Mediterranean in 13thCentury BCE. They seem too late to be associated with early Isaac stories, but as they will become traditional enemies of Israel this may be a device to document that tension. or it might mean the people living in the land where the Philistines will eventually settle. 

16 Envy at wealth and power

17 Well of Esek – Contention 

18 Well of Sitnah – Enmity

22 Well of Rehoboth – The Lord has made room for us 

Church as wells of Contention and Enmity. Where that happens – do we move on looking for Rehoboth – broad spaces, room, a place to be left in peace? How do we create safe spaces for ourselves and those who are vulnerable? 

23 Beersheba – is where the altar is built and will become an important religious centre. 

26-28 Where do we need to meet with Abimelech – put aside our rivalries, our differences, risk dialogue, feast and make a covenant with one another. Note that whilst Isaac is doing that hard work of making peace, his servants are doing the hard work of digging in the desert – and the hard work of the whole community only comes to completion when Peace is made and Water is found and the well is called Shibah, 

Shibah? risking dialogue … making a covenant with one another …

– if we are also involved in hard work of digging wells, creating community, refreshing deserts, creating peace.

Beer-sheba (well of the oath, or well of the seven)

Isaac narrative invites reflection on a world teeming with generously given life. That abundant life is recognised as blessing to those who will receive and share it. the chapter presents a world-view in which affirmation of the world and gratitude to God are held integrally together.